

Mavrobara Polihrono - Sun Residence
Situated in Polichrono Mavrobara is a place or rare beauty and with major ecological importance. Situated 300m height and 3km from the main road.Monument of nature since 1998, by the Prefecture of central Macedonia.
Aristotle’s Park (Stagira) - Sun Residence
In the picturesque village of Stagira, on the Northeast of Halkidiki in a part overlooking the gulf of Ierissos, there is Aristotle’s Park. The Park, where a statue of the great philosopher stands for many decades has recently been equipped with interactive organs. These are applications of physical phenomena discussed in the work of the great teacher “Physics”.
Die Höhle in Petralona - Sun Residence
Die Höhle von unvergleichlicher natürlicher Schönheit, Zufluchtsort des berühmten „Archanthropus von Petralona“, der vor 250.000 Jahren lebte, und die ältesten Feuerproben (mindestens 1.000.000 Jahre alt).
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