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Sometimes words are not enough to describe our feelings about SUN RESIDENCE, our little paradise on earth.
Let the pictures talk and come to discover SUN RESIDENCE with us, because SUN RESIDENCE for us, is LOVE!

Enjoy our green paradise garden by choosing a deck chair to relax with a good book or take a sunbath under the bright rays of the sun.

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Choose our beautiful Pergola for a barbeque, relaxed conversations with a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine with your friends and let the scents of basil, lavender, mint, jasmine... take you on a journey.
Breathe and rejuvenate with the unique and dynamic air combination of iodine from the sea and oxygen from the pine forest.

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Relax and enjoy swimming in the sea, or lying on a deckchair on the beach, watching the dreamy and magical sunset coloring the sky and the sea with the most incredible colours, like the most beautiful painting.

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For those who wake up early in the morning , they will be rewarded with the most enchanting and energetic sunrise of the golden sun behind Mount Athos carving and painting the sky and sea with superb colors. Fill up with energy and dive into the cool morning waters of our sea, having it exclusively yours. Start your day full of energy with a delicious breakfast, with joy and absolute vitality.
At Sun Residence you will relax far away from the stress of your everyday life and rejuvenate!
Forget dates and times and indulge in the pleasure that the sun, the warmth, the sea and the excellent Mediterranean cuisine with the freshest healthy products and our excellent local wines will offer you.
We are here for you, to guide you in the secrets of well-being, absolute carefree!

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